Series #3 (October) - Virtual Coffee

17 October 2020, (Saturday) @ 10:00am | Zoom Meeting

WATCH VIDEO (Recorded)

<aside> đź’ˇ Watch recorded video HERE , if you have missed our LIVE session.


About the Event

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics education or STEM has become an important component of Malaysia's education system in its drive to prepare students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By exposing students to STEM and giving them opportunities to explore STEM-related concepts, they will develop a passion for it. A curriculum that is STEM-based has real-life situations to help the student learn.

According to Chumbaka Sarawak, they organizes regular STEM programs for students to take part outside of their school time and also during school holiday season. They develop children’s life skills by inspiring them to create with technology. Our children need to learn to create with technology instead— develop games, design toys, build solutions. They will develop life skills — communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration — or human skills that machines are not capable of. By creating, they also learn technology and hence able to utilize it to produce solutions in their future work, regardless of their choice of career.

This virtual coffee session will be moderated by Malcolm Wu - Strategic Manager of SMA | Sarikei Innovation Center and joining us is Sia How Kee - Associate of Chumbaka Sarikei. During this session, we can find out more about how to build community and why is it important to build a community with a specific goal. Besides that, we will be discussing on how to grow the tech or STEM community in Sarikei Division.

What is Virtual Coffee?

It is an informal dialogue / networking session that is hosted online instead of in-person. Fun fact, we want you to have a cup of coffee (or it can be your favourite drink) with you during this session.

Who is this for?

Educators / Parents / Tech Enthusiast